Technical Due Diligence
Go on, look those data issues square in the face. We've got your back.
We think G.I. Joe was onto something with that "knowing is half the battle" business. While the safety of ignorance can be alluring, knowledge really is power.

In the excitement of product building, basic issues can easily be overlooked. Technical due diligence helps you source issues before they become deal-breakers and optimize them for future listings or exits.

It will help you assess:

· The technical state of your product. Is it in the initial phase of development, in progress or already released?

· If the code is written properly and all coding guidelines are met

· Whether the software is scalable and/or prepared for unexpected growth
Technical due diligence is key to successful execution.

It provides valuable information about code quality and development processes. Its primary purpose is to reveal the full scope of risks for investors, so enterprises are able to address them early.

Our technical due diligence assessments offer extensive coverage including for:

· Architecture and infrastructure
· Code quality
· Scalability
· People
· Workflow
· Intellectual property

Carried out in six steps:
1. Intro
2. Kick-off call
3. Document screening
4. On-site / remote call
5. Follow up
6. Report

Through due diligence, you'll gain a clear understanding of your product's condition, costs for future improvements, and any possible risks involved for both your company and investors.